Welcome to Wongerz World Dot Com!


Hi, everyone - welcome to Wongerz’ World! My name is Wongerz, and I’m an Australian-Asian gamer, video editor, writer, graphic designer, photographer, voiceover artist and aspiring games journalist! For more than 20 years, I have (and continue to be) crazy about all things PlayStation and Nintendo!

Here, at Wongerz’ World, you’ll find feature articles, news articles, opinion articles, reviews, listicles and other things written by me about gaming, movies and popular culture generally!

For many years now, I’ve done my best to bring great gaming content to YouTube - from my first channel in 2010, JWDTVideo, up until now, with GameAndWongerz. I love the entire creative process of making a YouTube video. And I love talking about videogames in my own way and with my own sense of humour! But sadly, I’ve come to accept that, because I’m studying for a postgraduate law degree (full-time), it’s all but impossible for me to fully commit to YouTube. I’ve received much positive feedback on my videos over the years and often this has given me cause to hope that GameAndWongerz might someday be a successful channel, if I keep at it. But realistically, I don’t have the time to fully commit to the channel and make that happen, as much as I wish that weren’t the case. Creating videos, though fun, is a very time-consuming task.

Now, don’t get me wrong - I have no intention of stopping my work on GameAndWongerz. In fact, I intend to continue doing my best to bring a wealth of great gaming content to YouTube with what time I do have - after all, I can’t be studying law all the time (despite my lecturers’ best efforts to see that I do). But making videos isn’t the only way to creatively talk about videogames on the internet, I’ve realised! As a law student, I do lots of writing. And I’ve got a Media and Communications degree (specialising in, among other things, journalism) under my belt. So why can’t I write about videogames, too? Well, I can!

Over the last three years, I’ve done my best to ensure that I’ve had a go at a diverse range of creative projects - from scripted review videos, to Top 10 videos, to filmed sketch comedy and to on-the-ground journalism at gaming events. And so, in keeping with this philosophy of trying as many different things as possible, I decided to start a blog! And here we are, with Wongerz’ World! I originally intended to name the site ‘gameandwongerz.com’, but ‘Wongerz’ World’ gives me the scope to expand beyond gaming and write about other topics - including movies, figurines and maybe even the law (where it relates to gaming)!

For now, the site contains a few sample articles and press releases that I wrote during my time studying for an undergraduate Media and Communications degree - and some more recent gaming articles that I’ve written this year for my university magazine (which has begun accepting articles on Gaming and Technology for the first time!). I’ve intended it as a folio of professional work that might (hopefully) open up opportunities for me in the world of gaming journalism! But I will regularly add to the collection of articles and other written content over the coming weeks!

And for regular viewers of GameAndWongerz - I’ll be sure to post important updates and behind-the-scenes content for the channel on this blog, too! So do stay tuned in here, or follow me on social media for notice of those updates when they go up!

In the meantime, thank you very much for visiting! I hope you enjoy your time here at Wongerz’ World - and watch this space!
