It Takes Two: Single-Player Shine on a Splitscreen Rollercoaster

It Takes Two: Single-Player Shine on a Splitscreen Rollercoaster

In the world of action-adventure games, single-player games reign supreme. But Hazelight Studios’ latest title, It Takes Two, shows beyond the shadow of a doubt that a multiplayer action-adventure game can be every bit as impressive as the most high-profile single-player experience.

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How 'Marvel's Iron Man VR' Could Unleash PlayStation VR (Demo)

How 'Marvel's Iron Man VR' Could Unleash PlayStation VR (Demo)

With only 5 million units sold internationally, the PlayStation VR can hardly be said to have ‘caught on’ amongst PlayStation 4 owners. Because players’ movements are tracked only from in front, designing free movement into games is not really possible for developers – or so people seem to think. But, I suspect that with the release of Marvel’s Iron Man VR (Camouflaj), that assumption will be tested and pushed to its breaking point.

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